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Grinding Machine

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Reckoned amid one of the eminent business organizations, we are keenly engrossed in offering highly qualitative Grinding Machine.

Highlights of Varaj Grinder:

SS hopper with feeding tray to feed steady continuous material to the machine
Perforated Sheet Screen: It’s made up of SS. its easily removable, specially designed sized, very high surface area, full round and vertical perforated sheet screen of 1.6 mm round holes.
Very high discharge rates compared to conventional machines
Forced air circulation to further improve discharge rate as well as to keep material cool
Sturdy heavy continuous duty double bearing housing
Shaft: SS, solid, sturdy, heavy continuous duty duly machined
Rotor: With SS hardened sharpened multiple blades
Material feeding from top discharge from bottom
Easily removable, bottom-side, material discharge conical chute having bar ring at outlet to tie cloth

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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